Nepali Movie - Loot
"Loot" is a super-hit 2012 Nepali Movie directed by Nischal Basnet. This movie stars Dayahang Rai, Saugat Malla, Mahesh Shakya (Karma), Pratik Raj Neupane, Richa Sharma, Shrijana Subba, Sushil Raj Pandey, Sushma Karki (Special Appearance in Item Song).
Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama.
Star cast of this movie are: Dayahang Rai, Mahesh Shakya (Karma), Pratik Raj Neupane, Richa Sharma, Saugat Malla, Shrijana Subba, Sushil Raj Pandey, Sushma Karki.
This movie is written and directed by Nischal Basnet. It is produced by Madhav Wagle and Narendra Maharjan. "Loot" was able to gather viewer to the cinema with the popular item song "Udreko Choli Chha Hai.." sang by Indira Joshi and danced by Susma Karki.