Yaksha Prashna - Deputy Prime Minister Chitra Bahadur KC

Yaksha Prashna with Narayan Poudel (Guest: Deputy Prime Minister Chitra Bahadur KC).
Deputy Prime Minister of Nepal, Chitra Bahadur KC talks about his point of views about the Nepali politics, Nepal, and current issues of Nepal. He talks about how country is suffering after India blockade Nepal.

Video: Youtube

Chitra Bahadur K.C. is a Nepalese politician. He is current Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Poverty Alleviation Of Nepal. He is the chairman of the Rashtriya Jana Morcha and the general secretary of the All Nepal Peasants Association linked to RJM.
KC belonged to the Communist Party of Nepal (Fourth Convention). In the 1983 he sided with Mohan Bikram Singh, and joined the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal).