Harke Haldar - December 2, 2015

Watch Harke Haldar - December 2, 2015 | last week, one new character introduced to this show. He claims that he is son of Lahure. Partnering with this guy, Jhamke Narayan plans to get money from Lahure.

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Video: Youtube

Harke Haldar - December 2, 2015

Harke Haldar is a comedy show based on village life which airs on Kantipur Television for about four years now. Bishnu Sapkota plays various characters in this show. This show is directed by Prakash Subedi, and written by Sailendra Simkhada. Last week, Batuli is in love with Galbo lahure in village. Jhamke is doing dish washing, because he is in big trouble. One woman comes with a baby claiming that she is Jhamke's wife.
Harke Haldar - December 2, 2015