Singha Durbar - Episode 13

Singha Durbar - Episode 13 - January 7th, 2016 | Singha Durbar is a 13-episode television drama series portraying collaborative leadership and good governance. This show is will present the story of the inner-workings of the seemingly impenetrable central government of Nepal, humanizing the country’s politicians and creating role models for an inclusive, transparent and collaborative leadership style. This particular video is episode 13.

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Prime Minister Asha completes her tenure at office, and prepares to declare elections. The season finale highlights the fictional Prime Minister's struggle to keep vested interest at bay, and her determination to take decisions keeping the best interest of the people in mind. Will the PM retain her popularity by declaring elections? Will the coalition party agree to support her? do watch the 13th episode of Singha Durbar.

Singha Durbar TV series is using the power of drama to create in its audience a sense of possibility that their government leaders could serve the whole country rather than their narrow political interests.
The TV series is funded by USAID and is produced by Search for Common Ground Nepal, along with production partner Mila Productions.
Singha Durbar - Episode 13
Singha Durbar - Episode 13
Singha Durbar is a Rana palace in the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu. The name Singha Durbar literary translates as Lion's Palace.The palace complex, located east of the Bhadrakali and north of Thapathali Durbar incorporated in an impressive and vast array of courtyards, gardens and buildings.This palace was build by Chandra Shumsher JBR immediately after accession the post of Prime Minister in June 1908.